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Wensheng Dou (窦文生)

Ph.D., Professor
Technology Center of Software Engineering (TCSE)
Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS)
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)

Email: wensheng AT iscas DOT ac DOT cn
            wsdou AT otcaix DOT iscas DOT ac DOT cn

Research: My research interests include program analysis and software engineering. I focus on designing new techniques to improve software reliability and validating such techniques on real-world systems, including distributed systems, database systems, and spreadsheets. Here is a list of my publications.

Recruitment: I am recruiting highly self-motivated Ph.D. and M.S. students to work with me on program analysis of dependable systems, including distributed systems, database systems, and spreadsheets. I am also recruiting self-motivated interns (Ph.D., M.S. or undergraduate students) inside and outside UCAS. Qualified students must have strong motivation to conduct basic research and empirical experiments, and should have solid knowledge on software engineering, testing, algorithms, and machine learning. Please send me an email with your resume if you are interested.

招聘: 实验室招收对软件工程、程序分析、系统研究(分布式/并行系统、数据库系统、大数据系统、机器学习系统)感兴趣的博士生/硕士生/实习生/访问学生(常年有效),要求学生对研究具有较强兴趣、和较强的动手能力!

Bio: I received my Ph.D. (2015.06) and M.S. (2009.06) from Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS), and B.E. (2006.06) from Wuhan University. I was a visiting scholar at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2013.02-2013.07), The Ohio State University (2013.12-2014.08) and Microsoft Research Asia (2017.10-2018.04).