Expandable Group Identification in Spreadsheets

In this website, you can obtain the following data of expandable group identification project:

  1. Our evaluation corpora can be donwloaded from the following link: EUSES and VEnron.
  2. 120 spreadsheet files sampled from the EUSES and VEnron corpora, mannually built ground truth, and analysis results.

Please use our data only for teaching and research purposes. Should you have any questions, please contact Wensheng Dou (wsdou@otcaix.iscas.ac.cn).

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  1. Expandable Group Identification in Spreadsheets [PDF] [Slide]
    Wensheng Dou, Shi Han, Liang Xu, Dongmei Zhang, Jun Wei
    33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2018).